Become a MHS Digital Volunteer

It's free!

This is how your name will appear in emails and messages, and when listed as a contributor to crowd-sourcing projects.

At least 10 characters long, with a mix of letters and numbers.

Contact preferences

Choose whether the MHS can contact you in certain circumstances. You'll also be able to change this later by accessing your account settings.

User agreement

Terms of Service

Rules of conduct

Participants agree to create a respectful and thoughtful learning environment. Users must refrain from posting threatening or hateful comments or creating inappropriate user IDs. Accounts or posts that do not comply with these rules will be removed.


Any content you create on the website becomes the property of the MHS. The MHS will not endeavor to credit individuals' unique or specific contributions to crowd-sourced projects.


The MHS does not provide any warranty of the web services it provides. These services and their capabilities may be altered or cancelled at any time without prior notification.

Privacy Policy

The crowd-sourcing projects' website abides by the same privacy policy as the greater MHS website.

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