

The 历史教学中心 is proud to offer three fellowships for K-12 teachers and high school students to explore the Massachusetts Historical Society's archives.  These fellowships are available to all K-12 educators and high school students around the country.  探索每个奖学金的细节,并在下面申请!


每年夏天, the Swensrud教师奖学金 program offers educators the opportunity to research and create educational materials using documents and artifacts from the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS).  We are seeking applications that identify an area of need in your curriculum and propose ideas for developing primary source lesson materials that address that need.

MHS将在2022年夏天提供三个斯旺斯鲁德奖学金.  奖学金的津贴为4美元,000 for four weeks of research and for the creation of two or more document sets (see details below).  Applications are welcome from any K-12 teacher or library media specialist who who wishes to use the collections at the MHS to prepare primary-source resource sets in the fields of American history, 世界历史, 或英语语言艺术.  

由于对新冠肺炎的担忧,现场研究机会可能有限.  Fellows will have the option to work entirely remotely using digitized materials if they prefer, though there should hopefully be opportunities for on-site research as well if they so choose. 我们鼓励有意申请的人士浏览本会的网页 在线资源 来了解MHS的藏品,这可能会支持你的研究. 

在完成了20天的研究之后, Swensrud fellows will be asked to produce 2 or more document sets and associated materials for other educators to use.  These document sets should include at least 15 documents or artifacts in total across all of your sets. 每个文件集应包括以下内容:

  • 对主题及其意义的简短概述(3-4段)
  • List of applicable standards from MA History and Social Studies or ELA/Literacy framework
  • 与文档集相关的几个基本问题
  • 文件清单(i).e. list of items with links to citation) of at least 3 documents, document excerpts, or artifacts.  每个项目应包括以下内容: 
    • 用一段话描述每个项目的意义/教育价值
    • 每个项目的图像或照片,或链接到我们网站上的图像
    • 课堂上使用的任何书面节选的文字记录
  • 基于文档集的2-3个课堂活动样本

研究必须在1月15日之前完成并提交文件集th, 2023.  The resources developed by Swensrud fellows will be made available through our 网站 for other educators to use.



斯旺斯鲁德奖学金申请应通过以下方式提交 我们的网上申请表格 2022年3月10日午夜. 申请人须提供以下材料:

  • 当前简历
  • 意向书(不超过两页), single spaced) that identifies an area of need in your curriculum and ideas for developing primary source lesson materials that address that need.
  • 3-5 MHS收藏, 展品, or specific items from the MHS archives that you are interested in exploring as part of your research. 我们建议探索我们的 网站,我们的 收集指南, 尤其是我们 在线收藏.
  • For questions about accessibility and availability of collections related to your topic, 有意申请人士可透过以下途径与图书馆读者服务部联络 电子邮件 or 虚拟聊天. og体育平台您的提案和研究问题,请发送电子邮件 MHS教育人员.
  • 学校校长或系主任的支持信
  • 你制定的课程计划或课堂活动样本.  It may be on any topic and does not have to be the same as the subject of your application.

奖学金的过程是竞争性的. Awards will be made on the strength of 1) project design; 2) the plan for using MHS collections; 3) the creativity of the proposed classroom activities; 4) usability of the proposed research in other classrooms; 5) recommendations; 6) the sample classroom materials.

请直接向历史教学中心提问 education@littletatanka.net


每年夏天, the Kass Teacher Fellowship program gives educators the chance to perform 20 days of research at the Massachusetts Historical Society on a topic of their choice. Kass 奖学金 are designed to offer K-12 teachers the opportunity to focus on historical research that will fill a knowledge gap or address a need in their curriculum.  该奖学金将提供2美元的津贴,用MHS的藏品做了四周的研究, and teachers will complete a 3-page report on their findings at the end of the fellowship.

MHS将在2022年夏天提供一个卡斯奖学金.  Applications are welcome from any K-12 teacher or library media specialist who wishes to use the collections at the MHS to explore a topic in the fields of American history, 世界历史, 或英语语言艺术.  

由于对新冠肺炎的担忧,现场研究机会可能有限.  Fellows will have the option to work entirely remotely using digitized materials if they prefer, though there should hopefully be opportunities for on-site research as well if they so choose. 我们鼓励有意申请的人士浏览本会的网页 在线资源 来了解MHS的藏品,这可能会支持你的研究. 

在完成了20天的研究之后, 卡斯研究员将被要求提交一份大约3页或1页的报告,500字og体育平台他们的研究过程和发现.  They will also be asked to submit a list of highlights among the sources they used during their research.  The resources developed by Kass fellows will be made available through our 网站 and MHS blog for other educators to use.  研究必须在1月15日前完成并提交报告th, 2023. 



卡斯奖学金申请应通过以下方式提交 我们的网上申请表格 2022年3月10日午夜. 申请人须提供以下材料:

  • 当前简历
  • 意向书(不超过两页), single spaced) that identifies a content knowledge gap or address an area of need in your curriculum that you hope to address through your research
  • 3-5 MHS收藏, 展品, or specific items from the MHS archives that you are interested in exploring as part of your research. 我们建议探索我们的 网站,我们的 收集指南, 尤其是我们 在线收藏.
  • og体育平台与你的主题相关的收藏材料的问题, 有意申请人士可透过以下途径与图书馆读者服务部联络 电子邮件 or 虚拟聊天. og体育平台您的提案和研究问题,请发送电子邮件 MHS教育人员.
  • 学校校长或系主任的支持信

奖学金的过程是竞争性的. Awards will be made on the strength of 1) project design; 2) the plan for using MHS collections; 3) the creativity of the proposed classroom activities; 4) usability of the proposed research in other classrooms; 5) recommendations letters.

请直接向历史教学中心提问 education@littletatanka.net.


This award encourages high school students to make use of the documents and artifacts of the Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) in a research project of their choice and with the support of a teacher mentor.

The Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) will offer one 约翰·温斯洛普学生奖学金 to an individual student or a group of up to five students and their teacher advisor during the spring of 2022.  John Winthrop Student Fellow(s) and their teacher will each receive a $350 stipend to complete their project using materials from the MHS archival collections.

由于对新冠肺炎的担忧,现场研究机会可能有限.  Fellows will have the option to work entirely remotely using digitized materials if they prefer, though there should hopefully be opportunities for on-site research as well if they so choose. 我们鼓励有意申请的人士浏览本会的网页 在线资源 来了解MHS的藏品,这可能会支持你的研究. 

获得奖学金后, student fellows must complete their project to their teacher-advisor’s satisfaction and write a blog entry about their experiences for the MHS 网站.  这份报告的截止日期是 2022年7月1日.  The teacher-advisor will notify the MHS when they are satisfied with the fellow's work.

John Winthrop学生奖学金申请流程


Students should decide on a research project in consultation with a teacher-advisor at your school (a current or past History or English teacher, 图书馆/传媒职员, 这可以是课堂上已经布置好的项目, 或者是一个你希望参与的独立项目.

奖学金申请应通过以下方式提交 我们的网上申请表格 2022年3月10日午夜.  申请应包括以下内容:

  • 一份不超过500字的提案,探讨以下内容:
    • 你的主题og体育平台?你为什么对它感兴趣? og体育平台你想调查的话题,你有什么问题?
    • 你打算做什么样的项目? (例子:一篇文章,一个播客,一个展览或海报板,一个网站等.)
  • 3-5 MHS收藏, 展品, or specific items from the MHS archives that you are interested in exploring as part of your research. 我们建议探索我们的 网站,我们的 收集指南, 尤其是我们 在线收藏.
  • For questions about accessibility and availability of collections related to your topic, 有意申请人士可透过以下途径与图书馆读者服务部联络 电子邮件 or 虚拟聊天. og体育平台您的提案和研究问题,请发送电子邮件 MHS教育人员.
  • 你的导师为奖学金项目写的推荐信

如果你有任何问题,请发邮件给历史教学中心 education@littletatanka.net.





Alison Courchesne,弗雷明汉高中,马萨诸塞州弗雷明汉

Michael Houle,马萨诸塞州波士顿的Codman学院特许公立学校


杰西卡·德拉奎拉,耶利米·E. 伯克高中,马萨诸塞州波士顿





祝贺我们的第22届师生, 我们期待着从你今年在MHS的研究中学习!