Object of the Month


Preliminary Study: No. 2 Eighteen Hole Golf Course by Donald J. Ross, Golf Architect Map

Preliminary Study: No. 2 Eighteen Hole Golf Course by Donald J. Ross, Golf Architect

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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

该计划是布鲁克林乡村俱乐部第二个18洞高尔夫球场的拟议设计, Mass. 这个计划是由著名的高尔夫球场设计师Donald J. Ross in 1921, but not built.

The Country Club

In June of 2022, The Country Club in Brookline, Mass., 将主办第122届美国高尔夫球公开赛, 这是俱乐部第四次主办这项大型赛事. Golf, however, 在1882年詹姆斯·默里·福布斯和他的一些富有的体育界朋友创建俱乐部时,甚至都没有考虑到这一点. An article in the Brookline Chronicle stated the aims of the fledgling club

有人提议在克莱德公园组织一个乡村俱乐部, 一些在波士顿的俱乐部和社交圈里很有名的绅士们发布了一份通告,解释了俱乐部的宗旨和目标. 总的想法是有一个舒适的俱乐部会所供会员和他们的家人使用, a simple restaurant, bedrooms, bowling alley, lawn tennis, a racing track, etc.:下午也有比赛和音乐.

福布斯和他的同伙于1882年11月7日正式成立了俱乐部, 签订了一份为期五年的协议,租下占地100英亩的克莱德公园场地,该场地有半英里长的赛道, stables with stalls for 75 horses, 还有一个“杂乱但风景如画的建筑,有一个宽阔的广场”.” The Club was an immediate success, 超过400人支付25美元的入场费和30美元的年费. Horse racing, steeplechase, and a live foxhunt inaugurated the club’s activities, and by 1883 clay pigeon shooting, lawn tennis, and croquet had joined the mix. 该俱乐部于1886年购买了这块土地,三年后将椭圆形赛马场的内场抽干,建造了一个马球场. In just a few short years, however, 这些运动将被新引进的高尔夫球所取代.


乡村俱乐部执行委员会于1892年11月29日的会议记录中记载. 劳伦斯·柯蒂斯要求建一个高尔夫球场的请求被读了. Voted: That Messrs Arthur Hunnewell, 劳伦斯·柯蒂斯和罗伯特·培根被任命为高尔夫委员会,负责规划球场,并支付最高50美元的费用.” By the following spring, the men had laid out a six-hole course, followed by three more; engaged a flock of sheep to keep the greens tidy; and soon hired Willie Campbell of Scotland as their first golf pro. 高尔夫球手的数量很快就超过了骑士和俱乐部里其他观看他们的人

他们破坏了本俱乐部赖以建立的道德规范,令人讨厌,在印度被视为贱民. They were jumped upon by the Racing Committee for interfering with their course; the were jumped upon by the pigeon shooters. 场地委员会认为我们是破坏公物的人,如果我们想要砍伐树木. 一些会员的妻子抱怨说,我们允许在星期天打高尔夫球,这败坏了布鲁克林居民的道德。

尽管如此,高尔夫球还是来到了乡村俱乐部. 乡村俱乐部是美国高尔夫协会的五个创始俱乐部之一,并于1902年举办了第一届主要的全国锦标赛——美国高尔夫协会全国业余女子锦标赛. In 1913, the Club hosted its first U.S. 公开赛,由当地的天才球员弗朗西斯·奥伊梅特赢得,他曾是球童.

Plans for expansion

By 1920, The Country Club had 700 golf members, “far too many for an 18-hole course,” according to that year’s annual report. The next year, 高尔夫球手们要求俱乐部购买更多的土地,以便建造一个额外的18洞球场, and for which Ross’s plan was likely created. Neighboring parcels of land owned by Douglass, Hood, Dane, 和拉帕姆(纳入罗斯的计划)被提议以442美元的价格加入俱乐部,在1921年12月的会议上提出了购买土地的建议, 在成员中遇到激烈的反对和分歧. 反对者称,这是由于获得土地的财政负担, 如果增加成员国数量以抵消成本,那么成员国可能会发生“根本性变化”, and even suggested decreasing 成员的数量“解决”过度拥挤(即使在当时), the Club had a waiting list numbering in the hundreds). After much wrangling, 该委员会成员授权在1922年和1923年购买较小的地块, enabling the club to create a new nine-hole course.

Who was Donald J. Ross?

Donald James Ross was born in Dornoch, Scotland in 1872, 他在哪里学会了打高尔夫球,并当了一名球场管理员. After serving an apprenticeship at the famed St. Andrews golf course, 罗斯决定搬到美国,在沃特敦的奥克利乡村俱乐部开始工作, Mass. Soon thereafter, 他接受了Pinehurst高尔夫总监的职位, an up-and-coming resort in North Carolina, and his career as a designer of golf courses took off. 罗斯最终设计或改造了全国约400个私人和公共球场.

尽管他为布鲁克莱恩球场设计的球场从未实现, 仅在马萨诸塞州,罗斯就设计了大约50个高尔夫球场. For those without a membership to a private club, public 唐纳德·罗斯在该州的球场包括南卡罗来纳州的巴斯河. Yarmouth, the William J. Devine course in Franklin Park, George Wright golf course in Hyde Park, Newton Commonwealth, Ponkapoag in Canton, and Whaling City in New Bedford.

For further reading

Arnold, David. “Inside The Country Club,” Boston Globe Magazine, Sept. 19, 1991.

Cappers, Elmer Osgood. Centennial History of The Country Club, 1882-1982 Brookline: The Country Club, 1981.

Damiano, Mike. “The In Crowd: Inside Boston’s Elite Country Clubs,” Sept. 11, 2018.

Donald Ross Society

唐纳德·罗斯协会成立于1989年,旨在促进对唐纳德·罗斯的认可, 他的高尔夫建筑的卓越和他设计的高尔夫球场的保存和修复. 这个网站保留了罗斯的设计清单以及其他历史资料的链接.”

Driscoll, Ron. “一切旧的都是新的,回到乡村俱乐部,” Dec. 7, 2021.

King, Brad. “A History of Donald Ross in America,” LINKS Magazine.

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