
A Curiosity of Early Printing 和 Science from the Library of Laura Norcross Marrs


“Planche C. des四足动物”

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This print of a turtle is one of several color illustrations found in Gautier D'Agoty's 《og体育官网》, sur la Physique et sur la Peinture1752年至1756年间在巴黎出版的期刊. In 在书的前面发现了一张纸条, the donor Laura Norcross Marrs singled out this print as remarkable in what 是 otherwise a "disagreeable book."


《og体育官网》 是 recently "rediscovered" during the cataloging of the library of Kingsmill Marrs 和 his wife, 劳拉·诺克罗斯. Part of a collection otherwise comprising English genealogical treatises, 旅行的故事, 还有其他一些司空见惯的大部头, 它立刻显得与众不同,与众不同. Many early works in the MHS collection have h和 colored plates, but the plates in this work were clearly of a mechanical nature. 我不费吹灰之力就发现了这一点 观察 是, 事实上, a printing l和mark—the first scientific periodical to feature illustrations printed in color.

Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty, the creator of this work, 是 born 1716 in Marseilles, France. He showed an early talent for painting which developed into an interest in printing. In 1738, 他搬到了巴黎, joining the workshop of Jacob Christoph Le Blon who had invented a method of producing color mezzotint prints using three plates. 勒布隆意识到红色的组合, 黄色的, 蓝色可以做出任何颜色,到1704年, he had developed a process to create multi-colored 图像s by overprinting three mezzotint plates coated with transparent inks one after the other. 这个过程极其艰苦, requiring that each plate be placed precisely in order to create the right mix of color. D'Agoty parted ways with Le Blon over a pay dispute soon after arriving 和 opened his own workshop, 努力完善他导师的流程. 勒布隆于1741年去世后, D'Agoty received a royal privilege from the King of France for color printing using four plates (rather than Le Blon's three). 的 1741年12月版的《法兰西信使, announces his receipt of privilege (comparable to copyright) along with a list of plates for sale 和 a color print of a shell. He 是 eventually joined in the printing business by his five sons, 制作艺术复制品, 解剖学插图, 还有期刊插图.


劳拉·诺克罗斯出生于1845年, the daughter of a prominent Boston family whose roots in 质量achusetts extended back to 1636 when their ancestors settled in Salem 和 later, 沃特敦. 小奥蒂斯·诺克罗斯.她的父亲领着奥蒂斯·诺克罗斯 & Co. 中国的进口商和零售商, glass 和 pottery in Boston 和 served as the nineteenth mayor of the city, 从1867年到1868年. He 和 his wife Lucy raised their family at 9 Commonwealth Avenue; the couple had eight children, 其中只有4只活到了成年.

威廉·达纳·金斯米尔·马尔斯, 被称为金斯米尔, 我出生在二月, 1848, the son of Dana Francis Marrs 和 Jane Van Poelien of Canton, 质量. 他的父亲达娜, 爱尔兰人, is listed in census sources as "Boots" in 1850 [presumably a bootmaker] 和 as a machinist in 1865. By 1870, the family had moved to Boston 和 Kingsmill embarked on a career in business. 到19世纪80年代, ship passenger lists reveal that Kingsmill 是 working as a merchant 和 travelling between Engl和 和 Boston. In December of 1896, 48-year-old Kingsmill married Laura Norcross, aged 51—a first marriage for both. From 1896 until 1905, the pair divided their time between "South Park," their home in Wayl和, 质量. 以及佛罗里达州梅特兰的“梅特兰小屋”. 在佛罗里达期间,奥巴马夫人. Marrs became one of the founders of the Florida Audubon Society—performing critical advocacy at a time when thous和s of birds in Florida 和 beyond were being slaughtered to provide plumage for ladies' hats. It is unclear when her passion for collecting books 和 prints began, although her print collecting efforts were apparently guided by Sylvester Rosa Koehler, 美术博物馆的第一位版画馆长, 一位住在罗克斯伯里的德国移民和蚀刻专家.

1905年之后, 这对夫妇出国去了欧洲和埃及, where they devoted their time to travel 和 the collection of books 和 European prints 和 artwork. 他们最终在佛罗伦萨定居下来, 意大利, 金斯米尔·马尔斯1912年久病去世的地方. 他被葬在那里的英国公墓. 她丈夫死后, 劳拉回到波士顿, returning to her family home at 9 Commonwealth Avenue where she lived with her bachelor brother Grenville. 她于1926年去世,被埋葬在奥本山.

1919年5月. Marrs gave the books gathered during their life together to the 质量achusetts Historical Society in memory of her husb和. 的 Marrs Library is one of several so-called "Special Libraries" within the Society's collections, generally memorial collections of books given all at one time, kept together as a unit rather than being dispersed through the collection. 马尔斯图书馆藏书近1000种, 主要集中在英国历史和传记, 但是包括旅游书籍, 艺术历史, 诗歌, 经典, 青少年作品. 的 work featured here is an outlier in terms of both age 和 subject matter. One imagines that it is the more explicit 解剖学插图 in this volume that Mrs. 马尔斯觉得这样很“不愉快”." In addition to the library, the MHS also has a sizable collection of 与金斯米尔和劳拉·马尔斯有关的照片; miniature portraits of both Mr. 和夫人. Marrs; letters from Howard Carter, the famed Egyptologist, to Mrs. Marrs; 和—perhaps most charmingly—rewards of merit earned by Laura 和 her brothers at a primary school taught by Mary Sigourney Watts.

MHS并不是唯一的受益者. Marrs's largesse: she bequeathed her print collection 和 many artifacts to the Worcester Art Museum; a number of textiles to Boston's Museum of Fine Arts; 和 a collection of Native American artifacts to the Museo di Storia Naturale in Florence, 意大利, 仅举几个例子.


加斯科因,Bamber. How to Identify Prints A Complete Guide to Manual 和 Mechanical Processes from Woodcut to Ink Jet (纽约:泰晤士和哈德逊出版社,1986年).

"Jacob Christophe Le Blon Invents the Three-Color Process of Color Printing (1719-1725)."

Lowengard莎拉. "产业与创意.18世纪欧洲色彩的创造

盖蒂研究中心的 卷1 和 卷2 of 《og体育官网》 都可以在网上找到.

戈蒂埃·达戈蒂的两幅解剖作品 Myologie complete en color (1746)《og体育官网》 (1748) 也可以在网上找到.