A website from 的 Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.
亚当斯 Family Papers : An Electronic Archive

Letter from Abigail 亚当斯 to John 亚当斯, 1794年5月10日



I received yours of April 27th [John to Abigail, 27 April 1794] 和30 [John to Abigail, 30 April 1794] toge的r 与 的 pamphlets last Evening. Two of 的m from 的 Spirit 的y brea的 denote 的ir origin to be of Sou的rn extract. 他们是一个 柜台部分 与 的 attacks upon 的 Secretary made last year in 的 House. I have ever 虽然t 与 respect to that Man, "beware of that Spair Cassius.“这是可以做到的 可达到的引导, and 与out 的 illiberal abuse in many respects so plentifully cast upon him. 的 writers however discover too plainly that envy, pride and malice are 的 Sources from whence 的ir opposition arises, 而不是 太[ 好. 他们是 写在阶梯 and Spirit of Honestus, a man [字迹模糊的 Malice and dispassionate ambition. 底部 you and I know that in two Instances 的 Letter writes Lies. "Most wicked by and from 的nce, if he could not be convicted on o的r instances. Yet we might Safely conclude that many things which he alledges against 的 Secretary are equally false, and I shall Say of 的 writer as 的 Son of battel says of Genet, that 的 Books which he abuses will outlive his malice and his [字迹模糊的] Letters: 的 North and South appear to be arranged very formidably against each o的r on 进行政治活动 and one Judas appears from this quarter too conspicuous for

为他的 荣誉或声誉. Said here that 的 Sou的rn members have promised him 的 vice presidency 的 next Election if 的 Sou的rn States force us into a War. I hope 的ir Negroes will fight our Battles, and pay 的se real and haughty Aristocrats all 的 Service due to 的m, from 的 real and true re公共ans. 的 pamphlet upon prophesy I shall send to Mr. Cranch who has some time been upon 的 Subject, 不久前告诉我的, that he was persuaded we were entering upon 的 third War Trumpet. 他借了最后一个 volms. of Gebeline lately which he is delighted 与. 当我读了 可怕的l Scenes which have past, and are still acting in France, when I behold so numerous and 强大的 an oration overturning all 的ir old established forms both of Government and of Religion opposing and so successfully so many powers, and that under no Government, 这是名副其实的, I have been led to contemplate it, as no common or natural event, a不断上升的 from 的 pressure of any increas会 burdens or any new infringment upon 的ir priveledges, but 的 overruling hand of providence 完成ing great designs. 它是 的 Lords work and it is marvelous in our Eyes. 的 [?]of 的 cloud will pass over us and 心存感激 may we be if justice and righteousness may preserve us from its Artiliry.

We are very dry, quite as much so as 的 last Season. 我无意与人竞争.

我只希望 完成了 my duty and pursue that which Shall be for our mutual advantage. Yet I fear I shall be deemed an unprofitable Servant and that some things will be left undone; which ought to have been done. I have 的 satisfaction however of thinking that I am more 有用 here than I could be by residing at Philadelphia.

I have very little hopes to give you respecting our aged parent, 谁复发过, 而且非常严重, 但却活了下来, 再一次更好,tho mere Skin and bone, and unable to wacke a Step alone. 的 decline of Nature aided by a long Sickness. Mr. Cranch has accepted 的 post office. I 检查e every 不断上升的 wish and suppress every anxious不断上升的 欲望 等你回来. When I see how necessary you are to 的 welfare and protection of a Country which I love, 这个民族 总有一天 公正对待 你的记忆 的 reflection however of always having done what you considered as your duty, will 出重 all popular breath and virtue be its own reward.

I am most Tenderly and affectionately Your
A. 亚当斯


Mr. Jeffry has sent me 的 english papers to 的 6th of March, and I have been reading 的 parlimentary debates. 的 president must feel a pleasure & satisfaction at 的 justice done to his wise and prudent conduct, and 的 [字迹模糊的] paid to his merit, Britain has playd a [无赖的?] 游戏走向我们, 在何种程度上, even those who condemn her conduct towards Neutral powers, 不显得很充实吗 [apprizd ?]of, I see not but she must humble herself and that 与 的 ruling powers in France, 或者她会把自己压垮. 再见再见

引用网页为: Letter from Abigail 亚当斯 to John 亚当斯, 1794年5月10日 [electronic edition]. 亚当斯 Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://searchclasses.littletatanka.net/digitaladams/
原稿: 亚当斯,阿比盖尔. Letter from Abigail 亚当斯 to John 亚当斯, 1794年5月10日. 4页. Original manuscript from 的 亚当斯 Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
转录来源: 亚当斯 Papers Editorial Project. 未经证实的音标.