Paul Revere of Boston, in the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay
in New England; of Lawfull Age, doth testify an say; that I was
sent for by Docr. Joseph Warren, of said Boston, on the evening of the
18th of April, about to oClock; When he desired me, "to go to Lexington, and
inform Mr. Samuel Adams, and the Honl. John Hancock Esqr. that there
was a number of Soldiers, composed of Light troops, & Grenadiers,
to receive them; it was supposed, that they were going to Lexington, by
the Colony Stores." I proceeded immeaditly, and was put across Charles River
a Horse, while in Charlestown, I was informed by Richd. Devens Esqr.
Army, mounted on good Horses, & Armed, going towards Concord; I sett
off, it was then about 11 oClock, the Moon shone bright. I had got almost
roade. I was near enough to see their Holsters, & cockades; One of them Star-
他把他的马牵向我,另一匹,我想,是在路的另一头 me
should I escape the first. I turned my horse short, about, and rid upon a full
and alarmed Mr. Adams and Col. Hancock. After I had been there about half
an hour Mr. Daws arrived, who came from Boston, over the neck; We
出发去康科德,被一位名叫 Prescot,
who belonged to Concord, & was going home; when we had got about
them, I saw two officers as before. I called to my company to come up, saying
here was two of them, (for I had told them what Mr. Devens told me, and
me, with thier pistols in their hands, said G-d d-n you stop. If you go an
Inch further, you are a dead Man, immeaditly Mr. Prescot came up we
他们站在一对巴尔的对面,并抓住了巴尔 down
they forced us in, when we had got in Mr. Prescot said put on. He took
intending, when I gained that, to jump my Horse & run afoot; just as I
到了门口,六个军官跳了出来,掐住我的缰绳,收起手枪 my
from; I told him, he asked what time I left it; I told him, he seemed supprised,
Paul Revere; I answered yes; the others abused much; but he told me not to
be afraid, no one should hurt me; I told him they would miss their Aim.

他说他们不应该,他们只是在等一些逃兵 they expected
down the Road: I told him I knew better, I knew what they were after; that
a ground, and I should have 500 men their soon; one of them said they had
1500 coming; he seemed supprised and rode off, into the road, and informed
后来我才知道他是第五团的米切尔少校 Pistol
他敲了敲我的头,说如果我不这样做,他就要问我几个问题 tell
the truth, he would blow my brains out. I told him I esteemed my self a Man
of truth, that he had stopped me on the high way, & made me a prisoner, I
knew not by what right; I would tell him the truth; I was not afraid;
然后他问了我同样的问题,还有更多的问题, but
was more particular; I gave him much the same Answers; he then Ordered me
to mount my horse, they first searched me for pistols. When I was mounted,
少校从我手中夺过缰绳,指着上帝说,先生,您不是 to
ride with reins I asure you; and gave them to an officer on my right, to lead
me, he then Ordered 4 men out of the Bushes, & to mount their horses; they were
Country men which they had stopped who were going home; then ordered us to March. He said to me
“我们现在要去保护你的朋友,如果你试图逃跑,或者我们 are
insulted, we will blow your Brains out." When we had got into the road they formed
a Circle, and ordered the prisoners in the centre, & to lead me in the front.
We rid to wards Lexington, a quick pace; They very often insulted me calling me
Rebel &c. &c. after we had got about a mile, I was given to the Serjant to lead,
他被命令拿出手枪(他骑着马,身上挂着一个衣架),如果我 run,
to excecute the Majors Sentence; When we got within about half a Mile
of the Meeting house, we heard a gun fired; the Major asked me what
it was for, I told him to alarm the country; he Ordered the four prisoners
Bridles, and Saddels, off the Horses, & drove them away, and told the men they
might go about their business; I asked the Major to dismis me, he said
he would carry me, lett the consequence be what it will; He then Orderd
us to march. When we got within sight of the Meeting-House, we heard
questiones, which I answered; he then asked the Serjant, if his horse was tired,
he said yes; he Ordered him to take my horse; I dismounted, the Serjant
mounted my horse; they cutt the Bridle and saddle of the Serjants horse, & rode
off, down the road. I then went to the house were I left Messrs. Adams &
Hancock, and told them what had happined; their friends advised them to go
out of the way; I went with them, about two miles a cross road: after rest-
-ing my self, I sett off with another man to go back to the Tavern, to enquire the
News; when we got there, we were told the troops were, within two Miles.
我们走进酒馆,拿了一箱属于上校的文件. Hancock,
before we left the House, I saw the Ministeral Troops from the Chamber window.
We made haste, & had to pass thro' our Militia, who were on a green behind
我去了会议厅,估计有五六十人 thro'
them; as I passed I heard the commanding officer speake to his men
The [They] begin first." I had to go a cross Road, but had not got half
Gun shot off, When the Minesteral Troops appeared in sight,
behinde the Meeting House; they made a short halt. When
one gun was fired, I heard the report, turned my head, and saw
shout, ran a few paces, and then the whole fired. I could first
distinguish Iregular fireing, which I supposed was the advance
Guard, and then platoons: at this time I could not see our
Militia, for they were covered from me, by a house at the
bottom of the Street, and further saith not.

Paul Revere