
Having an opportunity by a servant of Mr. Badcock's who lives
near you, I am glad to hear you and your Family are well, I take the
Freedom to transmit to you, a short sketch of my voyage and re-
turn from London where I went for the recovery of my health as ad
vis'd by my Physician, I was reciev'd in England with such kindness
Complaisance, and so many marks of esteem and real Friendship,
as astonishes me on the reflection, for I was no more than 6
weeks there. -- Was introduced to Lord Dartmouth and had
near half an hour's conversation with his Lordship, with whom
was Alderman Kirkman, -- Then to Lord Lincoln, who visited
me at my own Lodgings with the Famous Dr. Solander, who
accompany'd Mr. Banks in his late expedition round the World.

Then to Lady Cavendish, and Lady Carteret Webb, -- Mrs. Pal
mer a Poetess, an accomplishd Lady. -- Dr. Thos. Gibbons, Rhe
toric Proffessor, To Israel Mauduit Esqr. Benjamin Franklin Esqr. F.R.S.
Grenville Sharp Esqr. who attended me to the Tower &
Show'd the Lions, Panthers, Tigers, &c. the Horse Armoury, small
Armoury, the Crowns, Sceptres, Diadems, the Font for christening
the Royal Family. Saw Westminster Abbey, British Museum
Coxe's Museum, Saddler's wells, Greenwich Hospital, Park
and Chapel, The royal Observatory at Greenwich, &c. &c. too
many things & Places to trouble you with in a Letter. -- The Earl of

Dartmouth made me a Compliment of 5 Guineas, and desir'd me to
get the whole of Mr. Pope's Works, as the best he could recommend
to my perusal, this I did, also got Hudibrass, Don Quixot, & Gay's Fables
-- was presented with a Folio Edition of Milton's Paradise Lost, prin
ted on a Silver Type, so call'd from its elegance, (I suppose) By Mr.
Brook Watson Mercht. whose Coat of Arms is prefix'd. -- Since my
return to America my Master, has at the desire of my friends in
England given me my freedom. The Instrument is drawn, so as
to secure me and my property from the hands of the Executrs. admin
strators, &c. of my master, & secure whatsoever should be given me as
my Own, a Copy is sent to Isra. Mauduit Esqr. F.R.S.

I expect my Books which are publishd in London in Capt.
Hall, who will be here I believe in 8 or 10 days. I beg the favour
that you would honour the enclos'd Proposals, & use your inte
rest with Gentlemen & Ladies of your acquaintance to subscribe
also, for the more subscribers there are, the more it will be for
my advantage as I am to have half the sale of the Books, This I
am the more solicitous for, as I am now upon my own footing
and whatever I get by this is entirely mine, & it is the Chief I have to
depend upon. I must also request you would desire the Printers
in New Haven, not to reprint that Book, as it will be a great
hurt to me, preventing any further Benefit that I might re
recieve from the Sale of my Copies from England. The price is

2/6.d Bound or 2/ Sterling Sewed. -- [ . . . ] Should be so ungene-
rous as to reprint them the Genuine Copy may be known, for it
is sign'd in my own handwriting. My dutiful respects attend your
Lady and Children and I am
ever respectfully your oblig'd Hume sert.
Phillis Wheatley

Boston October
18th. 1773


I found my mistress very sick on my return
But she is some what better, we wish we could depend on it.
She gives her Compliments to you & your Lady.


Col. David Worcester
New Haven,

favour'd by Mr.
Badcock's Servant.


Phillis Wheatly
Boston 18 Oct. 1773.
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