
By 杰里米Dibbell

One of the MHS’ most recent acquisitions arrived late last week: it’s an 18 October 1800 letter from 阿比盖尔·亚当斯 in Quincy to her friend Dr. 本杰明·拉什费城报道, responding to political attacks made against 约翰·亚当斯 during the presidential election campaign (the first contested presidential race in American history).

The MHS submitted the winning bid for this letter at the 14 April Sotheby’s auction of documents from the James S. 科普利库. 多亏了一位匿名捐赠者的礼物,这封信才得以得到.

亚当斯的论文 Editor-in-Chief Jim Taylor said of the purchase: “The 亚当斯的论文 editors at the MHS have been aware of the 阿比盖尔·亚当斯 letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush for more than fifty years and are thrilled to have it as part of our collection. The document was offered at auction as early as 1943, when the suggested price was a mere $45. It is an excellent example of the first lady’s interest in and knowledge of early national politics. 国安局有阿比盖尔的信稿. MHS最近拿到的文件是她发送的最终版本, 和草案有很大不同. 这封信, 与草案相比, 这表明她在表达自己的想法时非常谨慎.”

在信中,Mrs. Adams takes great exception to the tenor of the campaign against her husband: “If t在这里 can be any measures calculated to excite a wish in the breasts of our Countrymen for a permanent executive Majestrate, 它一定是由频繁的选举带来的道德败坏引起的, from the indecent calumny which sports with the purest Characters; and strives to level them with the meanest; which filches from the most meritorious, that which is dearer than life their good name—that previous ointment which they have stored up to embalm their memory. 真理和正义的衰落是古往今来的原因, 产生暴政, 不仅仅是野心, 和我们的国家, 在将来的某一天, 在同一鞭笞下聪明.”



By 杰里米Dibbell

请注意,MHS,包括阅览室,将关闭 5月29日星期六和5月31日星期一为纪念阵亡将士纪念日.

在我们用来宣布图书馆放假的告示牌上, 我们的图书管理员喜欢引用相关的引文. 现在这封是小奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯写的.1884年在新罕布什尔州基恩市的纪念演讲(全文) 在这里):

“……进行战争的那一代人因其经历而与众不同. 由于我们年轻时的幸运,我们的心被火所触动. 我们从一开始就知道,生活是一件深刻而充满激情的事情.”

本周@ MHS

By 杰里米Dibbell

本周有两份便当午餐,我们希望你能加入我们! On 5月26日星期三, Richard Rath of the University of Hawaii at Manoa will speak on “Media and the Senses in the New England Psalm Controversy, 1721-1724.更多信息 在这里.

5月28日星期五, 康涅狄格大学的Alea Henle将就“保护过去”发表演讲, 创造历史:共和初期的历史社团和编辑.更多信息 在这里.



By 杰里米Dibbell

A few of the recent publications by research fellows and/or friends of the MHS which involved use of our collections or publications:

——亚当·库克,《og体育官网》,小查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯.美国反帝国主义者和菲律宾.” 新英格兰季刊 83, no. 2 (June 2010), 313-338.

——玛杰里·M. Heffron, “‘A Fine Romance’: The Courtship Correspondence between Louisa Catherine Johnson and 约翰·昆西·亚当斯.” 新英格兰季刊 83, no. 2(2010年6月),200-218.

——简·T. 梅里特,《og体育官网》,载于 沉浸在历史中:茶的艺术, ed. 比阿特丽斯·霍恩内格(洛杉矶:加州大学洛杉矶分校福勒博物馆,2009),164-175.

——弗朗西斯卡·摩根,《og体育官网》.” 新英格兰季刊 83, no. 2(2010年6月),250-282.

– L.A. 诺顿 有争议的船长:不正常的盐水之子,(南卡罗莱纳大学出版社,2009).

——马克·瓦莱里 天堂的商品:宗教如何影响美国清教徒的商业 (普林斯顿大学出版社,2010).

——Karyn Valerius, “从天堂显现一个信号”:反律法争论中的怪物和异端.” 新英格兰季刊 83, no. 2(2010年6月),179-199.

——肯布尔·威德默和乔伊斯·金,《og体育平台》 & 贝弗利:对性感的喜爱.” 古董 & 美术 (2010年春季),166-174.

——沃尔特·W. 伍德沃德, 普洛斯彼罗的美国:小约翰·温斯洛普.,炼金术和新英格兰文化的创造,1606-1676 (北卡罗来纳大学出版社,2010).



By 安娜·库克

5月14日星期五,当地历史学家和作者 《北端:波士顿最古老街区简史 亚历克斯·戈德菲尔德做了一个题为“艾略特学派和1859年的天主教大逃亡”的演讲.” 

在详细介绍1859年事件之前, 戈德菲尔德概述了波士顿学校制度的历史, 始于1635年波士顿拉丁语的创立, 以及殖民时期波士顿的天主教徒, 革命, 和新共和时期(给予), 举个例子, 反天主教的情绪在沙哑中表达出来 教皇节庆祝活动 在革命前时期). He also discussed the intersection of these two histories: the options available to Catholic students for their education during the first half of the nineteenth century.

天主教徒, 尽管在马萨诸塞州是受迫害的少数民族, 但从成立之初就在波士顿存在, 到1788年,他们举行了第一次公开弥撒,到1830年,人口约为10人,在波士顿和查尔斯顿有1000人, 由一位主教和四位神父带领. 虽然天主教会为学生提供宗教教育, they did not – during the first half of the nineteenth century – develop a parochial school system that offered instruction in secular as well as religious subjects. 天主教家庭的孩子们参加了公开活动, Protestant-run, 文法学校, 包括波士顿北端的艾略特学校. 

1859年3月, 父亲Wiget, 一位最近来的瑞士耶稣会牧师, 他的几个男孩催促道. 玛丽的主日学校,以抵制在学校背诵新教祈祷文和圣经阅读. 3月14日, a ten-year-old boy named Thomas Whall (at student at Eliot) was beaten for thirty minutes on the hands after refusing to follow the teacher’s instructions and afterwards fainted when he finally conceded defeat and attempted to read the assigned lesson. 

This punishment (perceived as excessive even by the standard of the day) caused Whall’s parents to file a lawsuit against the Eliot School administration and sparked widespread controversy about the place of corporeal punishment as well as religious instruction in public schools. Between 300-400 of the Eliot School’s approximately 700 pupils left in protest (though many trickled back) and St. Mary’s parish responded by organizing a Catholic school that stood as an alternative to public school education (a school that remained open until 1973). 

Goldfeld argues that this incident and the political rhetoric surrounding it on both sides raised questions about the place of religion in the school system and the role of public schools in the assimilation of immigrants that still have echoes in modern-day debates. 

亚历克斯Goldfeld has been a local historian and tour guide in Boston for the past ten years and can be found online at www.AlexGoldfeld.com. It was a pleasure to have him speak at the MHS and we look forward to seeing what his next project will be.


By 杰里米Dibbell

历史学会年会将在这一天举行 5月19日星期三下午5点开始.m. The business meeting will be followed by a program honoring the memory of MHS Trustee and Fellow William L. Saltonstall. Reservations are required; please go 在这里 了解更多信息.

请注意:为了方便设置,阅览室将在下午3点关闭.m. 周三.


By 杰里米Dibbell

我们的 本月目标 因为五月是1898年7月3日西奥多·罗斯福写给亨利·卡伯特·洛奇的一封引人入胜的信, 写于著名的圣胡安山战役之后, 圣地亚哥之围仍在继续. 罗斯福(左图中他穿着骑兵制服)敦促他的朋友, “卡伯特,” to “Tell the President for Heavens sake to send us every regiment and above all every battery possible. … We are within measurable distance of a terrible military disaster; we 必须 有帮助,成千上万的人,电池, & 食物 & 弹药.罗斯福甚至在角落里加上了 首页 信中写道:“看在上帝的份上,请立即派来增援部队.”

正如《客体》文章所指出的那样, “Few documents show so vividly the contingency of history: Roosevelt believed the situation was so dire that he was prepared to go outside the army chain of command to send a message directly to the president. In fact, the result of the battle on 1 July was almost exactly opposite what Roosevelt expected. Within two weeks the Spanish would lose their naval squadron at Santiago and surrender the city.”

你可以读这封信的抄本, 查看所有四个页面的图像,并了解有关文档背景的更多信息 在这里.

这个月的目标庆祝的出版 《og体育平台》,1898年 (纽约:很少, 布朗公司, 埃文·托马斯(Evan Thomas), 历史学会的资深会员, 上周谁在这里谈论过这本书. In 战争爱好者, 托马斯认为, 比美国内战还要多, 甚至第二次世界大战, 美西战争即使不是现代美国战争的典范,也是一个先兆. 对西班牙的“精彩的小战争”是一场“选择之战”,” not immediately vital to national security but ostensibly waged for broader and sometimes shifting humanitarian purposes. 信件的样本, 日记, 以及西奥多·罗斯福和亨利·卡伯特·洛奇的照片,托马斯在写作中使用了这些照片 战争爱好者 将于每天下午1点到4点在博伊尔斯顿1154号展出.m.,星期一至六至六月五日.

本周@ MHS

By 杰里米Dibbell


On 5月12日星期三, 我们中午12点吃午餐 with Justin Pope of The George Washington University. Justin将会在“低语和波浪:起义”中发言, 阴谋, 以及在英属大西洋寻找救赎, 1729-1742.”

五月十四日至十五日(星期五及星期六,我们将在波士顿举办一个og体育平台教育的两部分系列节目 亚历克斯Goldfeld. 在周五, 我们中午12点吃午餐, 艾略特学派和1859年的天主教大逃亡.“周六,加入奥巴马先生的行列. 戈德菲尔德(Goldfeld)为您定制了波士顿黑人遗产之旅, 《og体育官网》.”

星期六的活动需要预订. 请致电(617)646-0519登记,并查询会议地点和时间.


By 杰里米Dibbell

《og体育官网》 编辑埃文·托马斯的新书 战争爱好者:罗斯福,洛奇,心,以及向帝国的冲刺,1898 (小的时候,布朗 & Co.罗纳德·斯蒂尔(Ronald Steel)在《 纽约时报 和詹姆斯·麦格拉斯·莫里斯 华盛顿邮报》.

斯蒂尔写道:“托马斯照亮了世界, 以一种强制可读的风格, 美国历史上的关键时刻. 这是一本以其风格和华丽而令人难以忘怀和难以放下的书.莫里斯补充说,托马斯“提供了一种创新。, frequently entertaining and valuable retelling of an episode that set the pattern for more than a century of foreign military adventurism. This timely book is a cautionary tale about how the psyche of powerful and ambitious leaders may matter more than fact — or even truth — when the question of war arises.”

埃文·托马斯今天会去MHS, 5月3日星期一,于中午十二时举行会议,讨论 战争爱好者.